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Special course:“Basic course in fire-technical minimum”

Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
Удостоверение о повышении квалификации

Certificate of professional development

Практических и теоретических занятий
0 hours
Практических и теоретических занятий

Practical and theoretical studies

Стоимость прохождения курса
$ 0.
Стоимость прохождения курса

The cost of passing the course

Форма обучения
Form of study
Форма обучения

Internal, Correspondence, Remote

Презентация курса
Course Presentation

The training program fire-technical minimum designed for training in the field of fire safety managers 'and workers' organizations on the basis of the requirements of the Federal law of 21.12.1994 # 69-FZ "About fire safety", Federal law of 22.07.2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements", Rules of fire prevention regime in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.2012 N 390), the Order of EMERCOM of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2007 N 645 "On approval of Norms of fire safety "Training to measures of fire safety of employees of organizations", "Methodological recommendations for the organization of training of heads and employees of organizations. Fire drill and fire-technical minimum" (approved by RF Ministry of emergency situations) and other legislative and normative legal acts in the field of fire safety.

Standards for fire safety "Training to measures of fire safety of employees of organizations" (hereinafter - the Rules of fire safety) set out fire safety requirements to the organization of training to measures of fire safety of employees of organizations. Responsibility for the organization and timely training in the field of fire safety and inspection knowledge of fire safety rules of workers are administration (owners) of these organizations, officials of organizations, entrepreneurs without education of the legal entity, and workers signed labor contract with the employer in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Managers, specialists and employees of organizations responsible for fire safety, training fire-technical minimum volume of knowledge of requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating fire safety, part of fire, fire danger of technological process and production organization and methods and actions in case of fire in orgathe organization, allowing to develop practical skills for the prevention of fire, saving lives and health of people and property in case of fire.

Training fire prevention managers, specialists and employees of organizations not related to explosive production, is carried out within one month after hiring and subsequent frequency of at least once in three years after the last training, while managers, specialists and employees of organizations associated with explosive production, once a year.